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Colorful Friends

Resources for LGBTQ+ South Dakotans and their families


Everyone should have access to a healthcare setting that is welcoming and affirming.


Our friends at Sioux Falls Pride compiled a list of providers, healthcare centers, and resources to help eliminate some of the guesswork in your journey. 



Home really is where the heart is, and there are organizations across the state working to ensure everyone has the ability to access safe, affordable housing. 


Yet, in South Dakota, there are no protections from discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identification for people trying to buy a house. 


So, get help if you need it and get informed before starting the home buying process. 

Couple at Home

Queer friendly businesses

More than just a flag or a Pride Month Marketing Campaign, these area and national businesses put their money where their mouth is. 


Check out 55 businesses across the country who make it a point to show their support for our community in a meaningful way. 

Pride Fashion

Know your rights

LGBTQ+ South Dakotans have rights enshrined in state and federal constitutions.


Know them and know how to defend yourself. 

Holding Hands



Gay Pride Celebrations

Legal support

Discrimination happens, that doesn't make it OK. If you ever feel like you've been discriminated against in South Dakota for being LGBTQ+, contact the American Civil Liberties Union. 


Voting rights

The only way South Dakota's legislative and municipal offices are going to represent communities fairly is by voting.


Know your rights and know when to show up. 

Election Day

Adoption and parenting

Adoption and choosing to become a parent is a big step in someone's life. Whether you're doing that with a partner or solo, make sure to understand the process and know how to approach this next step of your life in South Dakota.  


*South Dakota passed Senate Bill 149 in 2017 which allows faith based adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ+ couples, unwed couples, and those who's faith doesn't match their own.

Gay Couple with their Son

LGBTQ+ Groups on Campus

There are many ways to push for change in your community— GLSEN is here to help you get started, or come up with ideas on the way.

College Friends

Legislative advocacy

South Dakota's legislative session takes place every year between January and March. This is when our state lawmakers meet to create, update, and eliminate laws that impact our lives in a very direct way. Unfortunately, our state has a history of proposing bills which simply put -- aim to harm queer people.


Get informed and get the tools you need to fight back. 

Protest Sign

© 2021 Equality South Dakota

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